The Old Blood: Update 26.0.8 has been submitted to Cert!
/0 Comments/in News & Updates, Updates/by razor7adminLink:
The Old Blood: Update 26.0.8 has been submitted to Cert!
We’ve included everything from PC Hotfix 26.0.7 –! This small update brings you highly anticipated changes to Melee and Kuva Liches – we were unable to include them in The Old Blood (more info on that here), so this interim build is our way of getting those to you sooner rather than later! The total download size for this update is ~235 MB. Once we have passed Cert we will update this thread with a launch date/time!
Now let’s get into what you can expect in this small but mighty update!
Kuva Lich Changes
- Converted Lich Trading is coming! If you have a Converted Kuva Lich, you may trade them with another player who may be looking for a specific Kuva Lich Weapon or Ephemera. This system includes the use of a brand new Dojo Room inspired by the early ‘War Room’ design from the King Pin System! Liches can only be traded once and are traded as Rank 1 Liches – you cannot re-trade a Converted Lich past one person!
- The Crimson Branch: This Clan Dojo room serves the purpose of trading Converted Kuva Liches, and will scale up to future entries in the system with other factions!
- Back-to-back Duplicates – Your Kuva Lich will no longer have the same weapon twice in a row. While you may get a duplicated weapon down the road, your Kuva Lich will have a guaranteed different weapon than its immediate predecessor.
- Recycle your Requiem – 4 Defiled Requiem Mods can now be Transmuted into a random, fully charged, Requiem Mod. This gives them some additional use, as well as helping you clean up your Inventory.
- Void Fissure Missions will now appear on all Kuva Fortress nodes! Previously, only Rescue/Survival missions on the Kuva Fortress were eligible due to other missions having an Archwing restriction; now the whole Fortress is eligible!
- A bug now turned feature; Ephemera’s obtained from a Kuva Lich can now be equipped on Sentinels and Companions! For FX sake, this will be a slightly subdued version of the selected Ephemera. Non-Lich Ephemera functionally is in the works!
- Increased the chance of your Kuva Lich to have an Ephemera from 5% to 10%. Newly birthed Liches will have the 10% chance, while existing Liches will still be at 5%. Old Liches that are traded and “reactivated” will also be at 5%.
- Added new Parazon finishers for you to stabby stab the baddies with!
- Added a Kuva Lich icon beside Star Chart regions/nodes that are under the influence of your Kuva Lich to address color blind concerns regarding the ‘Kuva Stain’.
- Increased the base damage (before elemental bonus) of the Kuva Ogris from 454 to 714.
- Converted Kuva Lich allies will no longer spawn in Archwing missions, as they ignore the complete lack of oxygen and requirements needed to fly.
- Grineer Prosecutors will no longer spawn as Thralls, as they were essentially invincible to everything except area-of-effect abilities.
- Ghoul Expired will no longer spawn as a Thrall due to their suicide death mechanic.
- Removed Pigments from the list of eligible items the Kuva Lich can Tax.
- Removed rewards obtained specifically from completing a Junction from the list of eligible items the Kuva Lich can Tax.
- Reduced the camera shake of the Kuva Ayanga explosions.
- Kuva Quartakk now has force feedback sounds when aiming down its sights.
- Fixed an issue where Larvling spawns were not working 100% of the time.
- Fixed Kuva Lich Ephemera’s appear too subtle or sometimes not at all.
- Fixed multiple issues where Kuva Liches would not be created from Larvlings due to certain Warframe abilities.
- And more!
Melee Phase 2: Technique Changes & Fixes
These changes take a stab at some balancing in the wake of all the changes and adjusts some Stances based on feedback.
Update 26: The Old Blood – Coming soon to Consoles
/0 Comments/in News & Updates, Updates/by razor7admin
This update is born of our goal to deliver you a motley of content – too much to list out in a letter, but it’s all one click away. The Highlights:
GRENDEL: Consume in feeding frenzy fashion with our 42nd Warframe! The Leverian reveals all…
MELEE CHANGES PHASE 2: Melee has evolved again with a focus on TECHNIQUE – Stance/Combo reworks, the return of Equipped Melee, and MUCH more.
VAUBAN & EMBER REWORK: Revisited to better accent their themes and offer more ways to play!
KUVA LICHES: Twisted new Kuva spiked foes await – The death of Grineer bathed in crimson fuels an undying thirst for its creator: YOU.
Welcome to Update 26: The Old Blood! It’s a hefty read below that we appreciate you taking the time to go through. Before you get started, you can look forward to a friendly in-game Inbox message with a few items from us to you. We know you’ve put a lot of time and resources into some of the things we’re changing (Melee, Vauban, Ember, etc), so please enjoy these free items by logging in before December 31st 11:59PM ET:
- 3 Forma
- 7-Day Affinity Booster
PLUS to those eligible (MR 3+ and account created before we announced the Legendary Core on October 18th) 1x Legendary Core will be delivered in a separate Inbox message! This criteria is necessary to avoid awarding dormant accounts that could use this gift to abuse trading.
There will also be a total of eight time-limited Alerts starting Friday, November 1st @ 2 PM ET until Monday, November 4th @ 2 PM ET:
- With the hefty changes that Melee Phase 2: TECHNIQUES brings, you can also expect three Melee-only Alerts to help you get a feel for how the changes performs against the three main Factions in different mission settings. Each Alert rewards a fully built Forma upon completion – giving you even more options to make adjustments to your Melee weapons where you see fit.
- The introduction of Kuva Liches brings a special new kind of Relic – Requiem Relics. There are four Relics in total that contain Requiem Mods, the Exilus Weapon Adaptor, and more! For more details, continue down to the Kuva Lich section. To get you a headstart with the Kuva Liches, there will be four Alerts on Sedna that will each reward one of the four unrefined Requiem Relics. Since completing The War Within quest is required to access the Kuva Fortress, these alerts are only available to those that have completed the Sedna Junction and Sedna’s Nodes.
- As a fun bonus, you can also play an Alert for the “Grendel in Action” Glyph!
Xbox One Saint of Altra: Update 25.7.4 Status (In Cert!)
/0 Comments/in News & Updates, Updates/by razor7adminThursday, September 12th Update:
Saint of Altra: Update 25.7.4… like Gauss… Has speedily made its way into Cert! This thread will be updated once we have passed with an official launch date.
Saint of Altra: Update 25.7.4 is in development and aimed to be submitted to Cert this week! This thread will be updated once we have.
Go go Gauss! Our 41st Warframe will be making its way to you soon, along with six new Disruption Mode missions with new Rewards, and Harrow’s Reliquary Collection just in time for those of you who are already celebrating October’s arrival. With 30 pages of update notes, you can expect that and more since we’ve included everything from PC’s Update 25.6.1 to Hotfix
The total download size will be posted when we’ve sent to cert!
Managed to get this number sooner! Since this update includes Mainline Update 25.7.0 (a large and in charge update!), the total download size will be roughly 2.9 GB.
R7 News: Winner of the Summer Dojo Competition
/0 Comments/in News & Updates/by razor7adminCongratulations to all the clans that submitted and won on XB1:
First Place Winners:
XB1 – First Place
Second Place Winners:
XB1 – Second Place
Third Place Winners:
XB1 – Third Place
XB1 Buried Debts: Update 24.5.0 (In Cert!)
/0 Comments/in News & Updates/by razor7adminForum Post:
Buried Debts: Update 24.5.0 has just been sent to cert! Our second mainline update of 2019 is on its way, and it’s bringing with it the first Operation of the year, the newest Warframe Hildryn, Phase 1 of the Melee Revisit, and much more!
Huge round of applause for the teams who worked so hard to get this out to cert late tonight. We made it! As we head into the weekend with some relief, we hope you are as excited as we are to kick off Buried Debts. In the meantime, I’m sure we’ll be seeing you out in The Index enjoying the Double Credits bonus weekend – oh! And I hear that Nora Night is broadcasting Episode 2 of The Wolf of Saturn Six, you can tune in to hear what she has to say, Dreamers.
Now onto the meat and potatoes of this thread!
This update includes everything from Fortuna: Hotfix 24.2.13 to Buried Debts: Update 24.5.1*. Many of you are experienced with what comes with a mainline update, but for those of you who might not know – they tend to be quite bulky in size when first released on PC, and since we want to give you guys the most we can in a single cert build, that usually includes a big chunk of content from everything that was released after mainline. That said, the download size for Buried Debts: Update 24.5.0 will be roughly 3 GB!
*The Nightwave updates/hotfixes on PC included changes and fixes that were not included in the launch of Nightwave on XB1, so we have included them in this release!
Once we have passed cert, we will share the good news and an official launch date with you here and on the usual Warframe channels.
Let’s get into what Buried Debts: Update 24.5.0 (and its whopping 22 pages of additions, changes, and fixes!) will bring:
/0 Comments/in News & Updates/by razor7admin6TH ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND WARS
Complete Alerts to unlock Bonus Weekends
Posted On 2019-02-08 14:25:00
Warframe’s 6th Anniversary is fast approaching! To kick off the celebrations, get ready to declare war: a Weekend War.
Happening over three weekends starting in February, the 6th Anniversary Weekend War Event is made up of a trio of Gift of the Lotus Alerts, with an objective of killing as many of a certain enemy as you can. Take out enough enemies before time is up and you’ll unlock a Bonus Weekend in March for the whole community!
Each completed Gift of the Lotus Alert will also reward you with ten Relics that you can crack for a chance to earn Spira Prime, Nikana Prime, and Saryn Prime components.
To track the progress of the Weekend War, there will be an in-game status bar. The Alerts aren’t the only way to contribute though, Tenno. Playing missions and killing that weekend’s enemy will also advance the status bar. Once it reaches 100%, a Bonus Weekend will be unlocked for the entire community in March!
The full schedule for Gift of the Lotus Alerts and Bonus Weekends is as follows:
Weekend War 1: War on Lancers (February 15, 2 p.m ET – February 18, 2 p.m. ET)
Reward: Ten Meso S9 Relics
Bonus Weekend: Double Affinity Weekend (March 9-10)
Weekend War 2: War on Crewmen (February 22, 2 p.m. ET – February 25, 2 p.m. ET)
Reward: Ten Axi N6 Relics
Bonus Weekend: Double Credits Weekend (March 16-17)
Weekend War 3: War on Chargers (March 1, 2 p.m. ET – March 4, 2 p.m. ET)
Reward: Ten Neo S10 Relics
Bonus Weekend: Double Resources Weekend (March 23-24)
This is just the beginning of our 6th Anniversary celebration! From March 27 until April 13, make sure to log in and check your inbox to get the new Dex Skin. There will also be opportunities to get previous Dex items from the past five years, so you won’t want to miss this, Tenno!
Stay tuned for more exciting announcements!
Fortuna Hotfixes and Mesa Prime!
/0 Comments/in News & Updates/by razor7adminHOTFIXES
December 11 Hotfix #1:
- Fixed an issue where Power Cell Carriers sometimes took longer than expected to spawn in Venus Excavation missions.
- Fixed an issue where the Operator/Warframe could get stuck crouching (if they were crouched when you Transferred out and then back in to them).
December 12 Hotfix #2:
- Fixed Dropship enemies sometimes getting stuck in the sky.
- Fixed Reinforcement beacons explode on deployment after migration.
- Fixed Discount Coupons showing on bundle items.
December 13 Hotfix #3:
- Fixed enemies not picking up Index Points in Index missions.
- Fixed missing enemies during the K-Bomb phase of the Vox Solaris quest.
- Fixed Orb Vallis Dropship collision lingering after destruction resulting in resources/items floating in the air.
December 18th Hotfix #4
Become the fastest gun in the system with Mesa Prime. This legendary gunslinger comes with the Akjagara Prime dual pistols, the long-awaited Redeemer Prime gunblade and more!
- Mesa Prime: Cast a long shadow with this lethal enforcer.
- Mesa Prime Glyphs: Embody Mesa Prime with these Prime Glyphs.
- Akjagara Prime: Precision machined mirrored pistols. Primed and ready.
- Redeemer Prime: Deal out double-barreled death with this primed gunblade.
Operator Prime Accessories
- Anten Prime Operator Earpiece
- Respa Prime Operator Mask
- Erlang Prime Operator Oculus
- Mesa Prime Montesa Helmet as per:
Don one, two, or all three fashionable Prime accessories and give your Operator a golden visage!
Also included in the Mesa Prime Accessories are:
- Cholla Prime Sugatra
- 90 Day Credit Booster
- 90 Day Affinity Booster
Mesa Prime, Akjagara Prime and Redeemer Prime Blueprints can also be earned in-game through Relics! They have replaced all exclusive locations of Chroma Prime, Gram Prime, and Rubico Prime Relics:
- Plains Bounties
- Sanctuary Onslaught
- Elite Sanctuary Onslaught (Radiant)
- Added in numerous Endless mission modes
- And the list goes on!
*Chroma Prime, Gram Prime, and Rubico Prime Relics are also still out in the wild, just not in exclusive spots like Bounties or Onslaught.
Check out Mesa Prime Access Packs in the in-game Market!
The elemental master Chroma Prime has stepped aside to make room for Mesa Prime Access! If you have Chroma Prime, Gram Prime, and Rubico Prime Relics they will still be in your inventory to use in Void Fissure missions.
The following items from Banshee Prime’s release and their respective Relics will enter the Vault. These items will no longer be available in-game:
- Banshee Prime
- Helios Prime
- Euphona Prime
With this Vaulting comes the shift of the following Syndicate Sacrifices:
- Replaced New Loka’s Sacrifice of Banshee Prime Chassis to Hydroid Prime Systems.
- Replaced Red Veil’s Sacrifice of Banshee Prime Chassis to Hydroid Prime Systems.
If these Prime Weapons and Warframes (or their Blueprints/Components and Relics) are already in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting.
Chat Moderation Changes:
As a continued improvement to our Chat Moderation, we have removed the ‘purple text’ indicator from Chat. Our previously mentioned third party professional moderation team will also be starting to emerge as early as tomorrow.
Later today a full outline of the Chat Moderation Responsibilities and Code of Conduct will be posted on
- Reverted ‘classic control’ support for Garuda’s Dread Mirror and Seeking Talons due to input discrepancy that led to many casting issues. As per:
- Fixed Elite Trencher having issues with gravity.
- Fixed loss of functionality when attempting to customize Landing Craft with a color pallet that is not owned.
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